George [buy tshirt]

A relatively recent popular name in Wales. The use of such a given name by those considered to be of pedigree status may have contributed to it’s adoption by others.

Famous people with the Welsh surname George include:

David Lloyd George – A Welsh liberal politician and statesman. He was Prime Minister of Britain at the head of a wartime coalition government from 1916 to 1922.


Griffiths : Gruffydd / Gruffudd

Griffiths come from the old Welsh name of Gruffudd / Gruffydd from which Griffith also developed. It was the name of princes and leaders, notably Gruffydd ap Llywelyn who was King of Wales in 1055. Guto is a pet form of Griffith as a forename and formed several surnames like Gittins and Gittoes.

A shortened version of Gruff or Griff is also popular. The Latinised version of the forename is usually Griffinus or Griffin .

Famous people with the Welsh surname Griffiths include:

Rhys ap Gruffydd – Famous Welsh King and ruler of the kingdom of Deheubarth in South Wales. He is commonly known in Welsh as Yr Arglwydd Rhys / Lord Rhys.

Llywelyn ap Gruffydd – So called last Prince of Wales who was a legendary Welsh leader and warrior killed in war against the Norman English in 1282.

Kenneth Griffiths – Actor and documentary maker.

D.W Griffith – Welsh American David Llewelyn Wark Griffith is one of the most influential and pioneering Hollywood directors in history who pioneered the fadeout and flashback camera techniques and is generally considered one of the most important figures of early cinema.

Griffith Jenkins Griffith – A Welsh American industrialist and philanthropist. who donated 3,015 acres to the City of Los Angeles which became Griffith Park and bequeathed the money to build the park’s Greek Theatre and Griffith Observatory. He was later jailed for two years for shooting his wife dead.

Terry Griffiths – Snooker player who won the world championship in 1979.

Ioan Gruffudd – Actor made famous for the series ‘Hornblower’ and films such as ‘King Arthur’ and ‘The Fantastic Four’.


Gwyn : Gwynn / Gwynne / Wynn / Wynne /Winn / Wyn [buy tshirt]

Gwyn is the Welsh word for white or fair hair or complexion which is used as a first name and a surname as is it’s mutated version of Wyn. It has a number of subtle variations such as Gwynn and Gwynne and in their mutated form become Wyn,Wynn,Wynne and Winn (see Wyn).

Famous people with the Welsh surname Gwyn include:

Anthony Keith “Tony” Gwynn, Sr – Nicknamed Mr. Padre and Captain Video, Gwynn is a former Major League Baseball right fielder. He is statistically one of the best and most consistent hitters in baseball history.

Frederick Hubbard “Fred” Gwynne – An American actor. Gwynne was best known for his roles in the 1960s sitcoms ‘Car 54, Where Are You’ and most famously as Herman Munster in ‘The Munsters’, as well as his later roles.