Further Reading
Byddem yn argymell tri llyfr i ddarllen mwy am y pwnc yma; ‘The Surnames of Wales’ gan John a Sheila Rowlands a ‘Welsh Surnames’ gan TJ Morgan a Prys Morgan (sydd yn lyfr mwy academic).
Am lyfr ar hanes cyffredinnol a chyflawn Cymru byddem yn argymell ‘Hanes Cymru’ gan John Davies (hefyd ar gael yn Saesneg ‘A history of Wales’) Mae ‘Aros mae’ gan Gwynfor Evans hefyd yn lyfr hanesyddol unigryw a phwerus ar y pwnc. Nid oes gennym unryw lincs personol gyda’r llyfrau yma ond yn gobeithio y byddent o ddiddordeb i chi os ydych eisiau darllen mwy am y maes .
Os am fanylion pellach a mwy manwl am yr amrywiaeth llawn o gyfenwau Cymreig, hanes Cymru ag achau cysylltwch gyda’r archifdy genedlaethol yn llyfrgell genedlaethol Aberystwyth
Gobeithio fod y wybodaeth yma o ddiddordeb i chi.
We would recommend three books if you require more reading on the subject of Welsh surnames and history ; one is ‘The surnames of Wales’ by John and Sheila Rowlands and the other ‘Welsh Surnames’ by TJ Morgan and Prys Morgan (which is more of an academic / reference book)
For a book on the full general history of Wales we would highly recommend ‘A History of Wales’ (also available in Welsh ‘Hanes Cymru’) by John Davies which is considered one of the best and most thorough books on the subject. Another book on the subject is ‘Land of My Fathers : 2000 Years of Welsh History’ by Gwynfor Evans which gives a comprehensive and passionate history of Wales, the Welsh people and the Welsh language.
We have no vested interest in any of these books but hope that they would be of interest if you’d like to read and find out more on the subject.
Alternatively you could contact the National Library of Wales at Aberystwyth for further information on Welsh history, archive and family trees. They can be found at http://www.llgc.org.uk/index.php?id=2
We very much hope this information is of interest to you.